[Past Exhibition] YiNG i: REFLECTiON

Light makes photography. Embrace light. Admire it. Love it. But above all, know light.
Know it for all you are worth, and you will know the key to photography.
-- George Eastman, founder of Kodak
(yǐng) can be interpreted into reflection, shadow or silhouette. It showcases various interplays between light, either natural or artificial, and objects, either mobile or still. Interestingly enough, shèyǐng, the Chinese equivalent of photograph(y), literally means "to capture ying", illustrating the truth that photography essentially is an art of mastering light, a broad spectrum. Now lo and behold, our optical journey will start from YING Part I (27/1-30/4/2011, Hamburg):


[Past Exhibition] YiNG ii: SHADOWS

The organization of light and shadow effects 
produces a new enrichment of vision. 
-- László Moholy-Nagy
 (yǐng), shadows, visually and spiritually add new facets to an image. They can create fascinating pictures on their own, and can be even more expressive when paired with their parent objects and such parallel structures as ink-brush calligraphic texts. The photography+calligraphy exhibition "YING Part II: Shadows" (9/2-29/3/2012, Berlin), therefore, aims to offer more dimensions to one subject or genre:

[Future Exhibition] YiNG iii: SiLHOUETTE

Looking for sponsorship and hosting venues!